pptp vpn

So you’re out and about and require connectivity back home or SOHO. Here is your pptp vpn solution, for free

An elegant solution has been around for the DDWRT, the distro specialising on your Linksys 54GL routers. I initially found this to not be so well documented.

This will essentially turn your 54gl box into a pptp vpn gateway in 5 steps. These boxes are smart in the sense that you can bind multiple to a client-server level but for the time being we’ll look at giving you access from an internet bound PC or your smart phone. I will put further information up showing you how to go about setting up your computer, smartphone, or tablet.

For the time being, what we are interested in enabling is the PPTP VPN Server.

Secondly  – “Force  MPPE Encrytion” – this will force your connecting client machines to use encryption.

Note: Forcing MPPE encryption is by no means public or private key encryption so if the attacker is smart enough they will still be able to play a man-in-the-middle role in a attack.

Server IP – this will be your external facing IP address/your internet address.

Client IP(s) – here you can use a single IP or a DHCP range.  For example for example,

CHAP Secrets – this will be your usernames and passwords that are allowed to VPN  into your netwrok – the format follows:
username *password* IE – joeblogs *password123*

Last note: the subnet you are connecting from will need to be different to the destination. IE You cannot connect from private 192.168.y.0 to 192.168.y.0 but you can to

For the upcoming blog I will be looking at setting up your client end on Windows 7 and Android phone. Pretty neat solution if you’re needing a pptp vpn server setup in 5 minutes.

pptp vpn - ddwrt

Remote Access

A few questions that have been poping around the office for a long time is what is an open source remote access tool that will handle a domain/multi domain scenario.

mRemote is an open source piece of software will do the majority of what you need  – rdp, vnc, telnet, ica, ssh,  and a few others that you dont use day to day.

When handling RDP sessions, mRemote is able to account for multi-domain setups whereby you can setup and propagate inheritance of your credentials and per connection setups that would otherwise waste time. On top of this, with the right priviliges you are able to download your list of server names that you will have in your Active Directory OUs.

Furthermore, every serious network now-a-days will have telnet (your Cisco gear), ssh (ESX/VMware environment+Cisco) and mRemote is only too happy to oblidge.

Populated it will looks a little like this:

The current version is 1.50 and they continually release new versions that account for bug fixes a few new features. Please ignore the version on the screenshot, there arent any big gui changes between 1.10 and 1.50.

Boat Restore: Part 2

So, Along with the few days of sun and work aside, I managed to put a little bit of into the boat.

This edition: Body work.


The rear fin – This required a fair about of chopping back because of the amount of damage from the drop.
Most grinders will work in this situation, however, remember about the balance of power versus handling.

Patchup: Internal Rear Fin

Before being able to do any external work, the inside needed strengthening, however this was also the tricky part because the work needs to be done upside-down to maintain the original shape of the fin.
To account for this I weighed down the boat with a very *convenient* marble table that happened to break with the last big earthquake.

The internal work called for some quick drying, so instead of making a rock-hard mix, I waited for a nice warm day. This seems to help in terms of the resin having the drying effects of very rich a-mixture.

Patchup: External Rear Fin

After the complete cleanup the fun work begun (fiber)!
The one easy way to avoid a dirty/finish was to keep replacing the brush every hour or so (try those cheap Chinese knock-offs), they work pretty well.

Cleanup: Seat supports

Like every boater will tell you before purchasing a new boat, take an expert along. That is what I did not do.
Note the condition of the supports before beginning work on them:
Hope you love tedious gentle cleanup.

Repair: Seat Supports

Be weary of what you remove from the compromised fiber, you will need anything that will deteriorate, however make sure you leave enough to mold your new fiber over.
Surrounding paint was removed for good contact with the hull. Sorry I was not about to take pictures of the application of fiber. The pictures below show the product cleaned up and with the first layer of fiber.

Cleanup: Outboard Mount

The boat originally came with some rotting wood the age of your grandpa’. This called for a new engine mount.
In this situation, some treated plywood was just sitting around in the garage – thank you very much – the cheap part.
The expensive part came in the form of a nice set of stainless bolts.

Note the Before picture.

Because I already removed cleared out the rear the opportunity came along to put fix the two bottom bolts in resit + fiber.
Note the two lower bolts just below the new front-facing support.

The end result looks a little something like this.

For us here it is the end of summer so the continuation of this project will have to wait a bit…

Thank you for your time.

Remotely log off a user

If you like every other sysadmin have users that simply forget to log-off, throw the following in a batch script.
This script will need to run with admin rights.



echo off
echo What is the machine name?
set /p server=
quser /server:%server%
set /p session=
logoff %session% /server:%server%
quser /server:%server%