Remote Access

A few questions that have been poping around the office for a long time is what is an open source remote access tool that will handle a domain/multi domain scenario.

mRemote is an open source piece of software will do the majority of what you need  – rdp, vnc, telnet, ica, ssh,  and a few others that you dont use day to day.

When handling RDP sessions, mRemote is able to account for multi-domain setups whereby you can setup and propagate inheritance of your credentials and per connection setups that would otherwise waste time. On top of this, with the right priviliges you are able to download your list of server names that you will have in your Active Directory OUs.

Furthermore, every serious network now-a-days will have telnet (your Cisco gear), ssh (ESX/VMware environment+Cisco) and mRemote is only too happy to oblidge.

Populated it will looks a little like this:

The current version is 1.50 and they continually release new versions that account for bug fixes a few new features. Please ignore the version on the screenshot, there arent any big gui changes between 1.10 and 1.50.

Remotely log off a user

If you like every other sysadmin have users that simply forget to log-off, throw the following in a batch script.
This script will need to run with admin rights.



echo off
echo What is the machine name?
set /p server=
quser /server:%server%
set /p session=
logoff %session% /server:%server%
quser /server:%server%

theRenamer: Review

theRenamer is a good tool to cut down the amount of time spent repeating yourself. Excuse the pun. Simple, customizable and free.

This smart little tool will go and retrieve the appropriate information relating to your movies and tv shows via and the like.

Lets start by setting up your filters:

Depending the way everything is already setup you will be able to match it to your requirements, the beauty is that it will actually show you the end result.

Lets begin, drag and drop the files you want renamed:

Next up you will note where the information is getting fetched from:

Lets it do its job:

At this point it will have fetched the correct information or not, either way; you will have the option of what is to be renamed. Click on Proceed.

Voila, your files will now have the correct file names. theRenamer will also work on whole directories too.