Think you’ll be getting a free upgrade to Windows 10 from your pirated copy of Windows 7 or Windows 8.1? Not so fast.For months, rumors have been swirling that suggested Microsoft was so eager to get its entire customer base onto Windows 10 that it will extend its free upgrade offer even to those who obtained their copies of Windows by, um, questionable means. Well, it seems that may not be true after all. Or not entirely true. Or something.More ReadingNew Windows 10 Build 10122 aims to fix file association hijackingPenn State University network sacked by China malware blitzOperation Redstone: Microsoft preps double Windows update in 2016PIRATES and THIEVES to get Windows 10 as BOOTYMicrosoft tells big biz: No free Windows 10 for you, crack wallets openMicrosoft operating systems exec veep Terry Myerson weighed in on Friday to clarify the software giant’s position on “Non-Genuine” Windows installs – although as clarity goes, his comments were hardly crystal.
Read on, source: Microsoft: Free Windows 10 for THIEVES and PIRATES? They can GET STUFFED • The Channel