Change UserPrincipalName + Suffix With a scheduled Windows task

You have completed the domain work in relation to your O365 tenancy, however the usernames replicated to AAD are in “username@old” format.

Most organizations have inherited a “username@old-domain.local” suffix. Time goes on and the organization changes its name, amalgamates, etc, for whatever reason, effectively changes its name.

The target of the script is the group a on-prem active directory group.

The following script will serve to allow you to run the script wrapped in a scheduled task in order to change the full upn for the usernames in the group with from “username@old-company.local”(no joke intended), through to “” format.

I have used the script on a nightly basis but do not see the reason to run it more frequently.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$group = "O365 Users"
$newsuffix = ""
$users = get-adgroupmember -Identity $group |Get-ADUser |sort userprincipalname
$from = ""
$to = ""
$tofailedrecipient = ""

foreach ($user in $users){
    $upn = (($user.givenname)+"."+($user.surname)+"@"+$newsuffix).tostring()
    $upnfromad = ($user.userprincipalname).tostring()
    if ($upn -notmatch $upnfromad) {
            $emailbody = "<HTML><HEAD><META http-equiv=""Content-Type"" content=""text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"" /><TITLE></TITLE></HEAD>"
            $emailbody = "<BODY bgcolor=""#FFFFFF"" style=""font-size: Small; font-family: Arial; color: #000000""><P>"
            $emailbody += "<p>The following UPNs have been updated:</p>"
            Set-ADUser -Identity $user.SamAccountName -UserPrincipalName "$($user.GivenName).$($user.Surname)@$newsuffix"
            $emailbody += $upn
            $emailbody += "<br>"
            $successMessageParameters = @{
                        Subject = "The following addresses have been updated - $((Get-Date).ToShortDateString())"
                        Body = $emailbody
                        From = $from
                        To = $to
                        SmtpServer = "x.x.x.x"
                        BodyAsHTML = $true
            $emailbody += "<p>Regards,</p>"
            $emailbody += "<p>Your friendly Office 365 team</p>"
            Send-MailMessage @successMessageParameters
        Catch [Exception] {
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
            $failedMessageParameters = @{
                        Subject = "The following error was encountered when attempting to update the UPN's"
                        Body = ("'$ErrorMessage'") | Out-String
                        From = $from
                        To = $tofailedrecipient
                        SmtpServer = "x.x.x.x"
            Send-MailMessage @failedMessageParameters -BodyAsHtml

Change Suffix To AD Security group

You have completed the domain work in relation to your O365 tenancy, however the usernames replicated to AAD are in “username@old” format.

Most organizations have inherited a “username@old-domain.local” suffix. Time goes on and the organization changes its name, amalgamates, etc, for whatever reason, effectively changes its name.

The following script will serve to allow you to run the script ad hoc in order to change the full upn for the usernames in the group with from “username@old-company.local”(no joke intended), through to “” format:

param([string] $group)

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$newsuffix = ""
$users = get-adgroupmember -Identity $group |Get-ADUser

write-host "The following users are going to be renamed, would you like to procees?"
write-host "The above UPNs are affected." -ForegroundColor Red
$confirmation = Read-Host "Are you Sure You Want To Proceed (y) to format" 
if ($confirmation -eq 'y') {
    foreach ($user in $users)
            Set-ADUser -Identity $user.SamAccountName -UserPrincipalName "$($user.GivenName).$($user.Surname)@$newsuffix"
Sleep 5

Get-ADGroupMember $group | get-aduser | select userprincipalname